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  • How do I know if I’m eligible to receive services?
    S.W.A.G. Program participants must be...​ Henry County Resident 16-24 years old School dropout ​One or more of the following: Hold a high school diploma or GED and is low-income and is basic skills deficient or an English language learner Offender or child of an offender Homeless Runaway In foster care Pregnant or parenting Have a disability A low-income person who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment
  • Other than completing the application, what else do I have to do?"
    In addition to completing the application, you will be required to register for a mandatory Orientation Information Session. During orientation you will be required to complete assessments, including TABE and Career Scope, to determine your employment skills.
  • Am I automatically accepted into the program?
    No. Students are evaluated for enrollment in the program through an assessment and suitability process. At the end of the assessment process; each new applicant is evaluated on class participation, behavior, work ethic, class attendance, TABE assessment, official practice tests and overall progress. Every conversation, every meeting, and attendance at testing is part of our evaluation process.
  • What do I need to bring to orientation?
    If you are under 18, you MUST bring a parent or guardian with you to the initial Orientation Information Session, and they MUST remain with you for the duration of the session. For everyone, in addition to the completed application, you are REQUIRED to bring the following documents with you on the day of orientation: Proof of citizenship: Birth Certificate and signed Social Security Card Identification: (choose 1) Driver’s License, state-issued ID, military ID, Passport, or school ID School Records: transcript and withdrawal documents from the last school attended and, if applicable, Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/504 Proof of Residency: (choose 1) Mortgage Deed or Statement, Rental Lease, Utility or Tax Bill Additionally, Male applicants ages 18 and above: Selective Service Letter/Registration Card/Internet Verification ( Offender: Probation or Court Documents Homeless/Runaway: A written statement from an individual or social service agency providing temporary residence or shelter or applicant/parent Self-Attestation Letter. Foster Youth: (choose 1) Written statement from a social service agency, court contact documentation, verification of payment made on behalf of the foster youth, or Self-Attestation from the foster parent. Job Corps/Youth Challenge: Withdrawal Letter or Certificate of Completion
  • I don’t live in henry county, can I still receive services?"
    The Connecting Henry S.W.A.G. Program only serves Henry County Residents. To find a similar program in your area visit,
  • What does the program cost?
    The program is free to Henry County residents.
  • What happens if I’m running late or can’t make my orientation information session appointments?
    Orientation begins promptly. Late arrivals will need to reschedule for the next Orientation Information Session by calling 770-288-6230.
  • Where do I go for the orientation information sessions?
    Due to COVID-19, S.W.A.G. Program orientations will take place on Zoom. Call 770-288-6230 for more information.
  • May I bring my small child with me to the orientation information sessions?
    No. Only the applicant and, if under 18, their parent or guardian may attend. Space is limited, and child care is not available.
  • Is there anything else I should know?
    Dress appropriately, and behave respectably.
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